842 Route 25A, Northport, NY 11768
How Do I Prepare For Divorce? Video
Straight talk with David Badanes, Esq., an experienced divorce lawyer on Long Island, NY with extensive experience in all areas of divorce.
Today’s Straight Talk: How do I prepare for divorce?
On Long Island, if you’re thinking or considering of getting divorced. There are many steps you can take to prepare yourself.
First of all, you should get all your financial information and financial documents in order. This means your tax returns, your bank statements, any stocks, or mutual funds you may own, your pension information, and insurance information.
There are many documents of financial information you all need to get to your attorney at some point. It will be very helpful if you gather that information right from the get-go.
You may also want to take a video of your house and your possessions so that if anybody says that you took something or you destroyed something, you have documentation of what your property is. And also you should take an inventory of all your property whether it’s your car or your house. Any kind of property that you may own that’s important to you. This information should be given to your attorney, when you go seek an attorney for a divorce.
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