842 Route 25A, Northport, NY 11768
Why it is Important to Have a Will in NY After COVID
You never know when tragedy will strike, which is why it is vital to be prepared. We have seen how rapidly the Coronavirus took the world by storm. We have also seen how the Coronavirus does not discriminate based on age; it is affecting people both young and old, the healthy and those who had previous health conditions.
All too often, too many people are not prepared with a Will nor do they feel the need to be. However, it is crucial to have a Will as illustrated by the sudden impact of the Coronavirus.
A Will is one of the most important things you can create for yourself and your family and ensures peace of mind. It allows your family to be protected and provides instructions for how you would like your affairs to be handled.
When tragedy strikes and a family member passes on, especially unexpected, it brings a heavy emotional burden. While mourning, it can be difficult to manage affairs, such as assets, bills, life insurance, etc. Having a Will prepared helps to eliminate the stress and worry associated with someone’s death. A Will provides the blueprint of how you want your estate to be handled. Additionally, deciding who is in charge of executing your Estate by naming an Executor in your Will is paramount.
The Coronavirus pandemic has shown us that you are never too young to prepare a will. Regardless of if you are married, divorced, single, or have children, etc. it is crucial to be proactive and give your loved ones the gift of having all of your affairs in order.
David Badanes and the Badanes Law Office, P.C. have helped numerous clients in preparing a Will. Whether you are interested in creating a new Will or updating an old Will, amending a present will, call David Badanes and the Badanes Law Office, P.C. as they have the experience to help you. Please like us on Facebook to get important legal news, tips and articles: www.facebook.com/BadanesLawOffice.
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