842 Route 25A, Northport, NY 11768
Divorce: Focus On What Is Important And Not On The Little Things
If you are in the middle of a divorce or thinking of getting divorced, it is important to focus on what is important and not on the “little things.” Many clients, due to the emotional impact of the divorce or because of revenge, will focus on the little things and not on what is really important.
For example, most of the time it is not important to focus on how to divide the personal property in the house. Usually, the time and energy spent on how to divide the furniture or other items is not worth the cost to do so. Typically, the only time it pays to fight over the furniture is when the furniture is an “antique” or has a significant value.
As another example, couples will argue over how to divide a $200.00 tax refund check or how to pay for a small household expense. It just doesn’t make economic sense to argue over such a small monetary item.
Some clients will state that it’s the “principle”, I have to get this – without realizing that “principle” may not, and probably is not, “the law.” Furthermore, the principle you are arguing about will cost you more to fight over than to just try to work it out on your own.
Before arguing over an expense or an item, take a deep breath and think before you act. Think: Is this really worth fighting over? Am I trying to get something on “principle”? Does this really make a difference?
Instead of focusing on the little things, it is much better to spend your time and resources on things that do matter, for example: Child Custody, Child Support, Spousal Maintenance (alimony), and What to do with the Marital Home?
David Badanes and the Badanes Law Office have helped numerous clients in helping them to focus on the important aspects of their divorce. If you live in Suffolk County, Nassau County or New York City and need a divorce (matrimonial) lawyer, then call David Badanes and the Badanes Law Office at (631) 430-4445, email at david@dbnylaw.com or visit our web site: www.dbnylaw.com. The Badanes Law Office has offices in Northport, Garden City, Brooklyn and Manhattan.
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