842 Route 25A, Northport, NY 11768
Divorce Between Actor Jeremy Renner and Sonni Pacheco Now Final
According to both People Magazine and TMZ, who procured official court documents, the divorce between actor Jeremy Renner and model Sonni Pacheco is now over. The divorce lasted just ten months but is complicated by the fact that they have a two year old daughter. Some comments from the Badanes Law Office on this matter:
- His child support is based on his income and income making ability.
- He is not paying spousal support (alimony), most likely because the marriage was only 10 months. The same result would probably occur in New York, although the new spousal maintenance law may give a different result as it is strictly based on income.
- Articles online states he is not losing any of his property because the marriage was so short. In New York, when it comes to property the length of the marriage would not matter. All marital assets would be equally divided. However if his property was deemed to be his separate property, then he would get to keep it.
The New Year is a common time for divorce, and the Badanes Law Office can help answer your questions if you are thinking about your options. Feel free to reach out to us.