842 Route 25A, Northport, NY 11768
Badanes Law Office
What You Should Do Before Filing for a Divorce
By David P. Badanes, Esq.
There are several steps you should take before filing for a divorce. First, you should open up your own bank account. This does not mean that you are hiding money or assets. You will need to divulge the existence of all of your bank accounts. However, if you are getting divorced, eventually, you will need your own bank account. In addition, by having your own bank account, you prevent your spouse from misusing the funds that you place in your bank account.
Second, if you currently have direct deposit, then change all direct deposits to go into your newly opened bank account.
Third, make a list of all the credit cards you and your spouse have. If you are the primary cardholder, you may want to remove your spouse from having authorized use of this credit card. Alternatively, you could freeze or cancel credit cards that you do not use.
Fourth, you want to start saving as much money as you can.
Fifth, make a copy of your important financial documents. This includes your recent tax returns, bank statements, credit card statements, retirement statements and investment account statements. In virtually all divorces, you will need this information.
Sixth, make a video of the contents of your home. In many divorces, a spouse will often complain that the other spouse has sold, thrown out or hidden some items (furniture, art, jewelry, tools, etc.) in the house. Without actual proof that the item actually existed or the condition of the item, you may never be able to recover the item or be adequately compensated for its value.
Finally, you need to hire an experienced Divorce Attorney. David Badanes and the Badanes Law Office have helped numerous individuals in obtaining a divorce. If you have questions about your divorce or what you can do before you file for a divorce, call David Badanes and the Badanes Law Office today at (631) 430-4445, email at david@dbnylaw.com or visit our web site: www.dbnylaw.com. The Badanes Law Office has offices in Northport and Garden City.
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