842 Route 25A, Northport, NY 11768
What Kind of Questions Might the Judge Ask at a Contested Divorce
December 23, 2022In a contested divorce, before there is a trial, typically, there would be several court conferences. At each of these…Five Most Important Things to Know When a Judge is Handling Your Contested Divorce Case
March 3, 2022If you have a Judge assigned to your divorce case, here are five important things to know about how to…Celebrity Divorce Horror Stories And What We Can Learn from Them
October 25, 2021Nowadays, very few people are surprised when they hear of another divorced celebrity couple. Not only is divorce common among…What Is The Process Of A Contested Divorce? Video
September 27, 2016Straight talk with David Badanes, Esq., an experienced divorce attorney who has been assisting individuals with postnuptial agreements, and with…How Long Does it Take to Get Divorced: Video
October 7, 2015As a matrimonial and family law attorney many of my clients ask me "How long does it take to get…