842 Route 25A, Northport, NY 11768
Can You Date Before The Divorce is Final?
May 25, 2019Unless there is a specific Court Order stating that you cannot date before your divorce is final, you can date…Your Ex Never Shows Up For Scheduled Visits – What You Can Do
May 22, 2019Unfortunately, in some divorces, one of the parents will constantly not show up for their scheduled visits (parenting time) with…Am I Responsible for the Debt My Spouse Had Prior to Our Marriage?
May 21, 2019If you are going through a divorce, you might be wondering if you are responsible for the debt that your…What if My Ex-Spouse Excessively Calls or Texts Our Children During My Parenting Time?
May 17, 2019With the ease of cell phones, your spouse may abuse his/her privileges to call or text your children during your…Child Support, Child Custody and Parenting Time in Mediation
May 14, 2019Some divorcing couples choose to use mediation when resolving their divorce. For couples who can compromise, mediation may be a…What Do All the Legal Documents Mean in a Divorce?
May 10, 2019In a divorce, there are many legal documents that get filed with the Court. Here is a brief summary and…What is a Receiver (in a Divorce)
May 7, 2019In some divorces, the Court will appoint a receiver. A receiver will typically be an attorney who will act as…Adultery and Your Divorce (Adultery is Still A Crime in New York State)
May 6, 2019New York is now a “no-fault” divorce State. This means, that you do not have to demonstrate fault in order…Traveling With Your Children – During and After Your Divorce
May 3, 2019Here is what you need to know about traveling with your child - during and after your divorce. For International…In a Divorce – Does it Matter if I’m the Plaintiff or Defendant
April 30, 2019For New York Divorce cases, there will be a Plaintiff and a Defendant (in other States, they may be called…