842 Route 25A, Northport, NY 11768
Can A Child Choose Which Parent They Will Live With?
September 23, 2022There is a lot of misinformation about child custody disputes. Many clients are confused about when a child can choose…Managing Divorce During Back-to-School Season
August 11, 2021The month of August officially marks back-to-school season. No matter what grade your child is entering, back-to-school means last-minute supply…How Dads Can Get Visitation Time With Their Children on Father’s Day When Going Through Divorce
June 16, 2021When you go through a divorce, there are a lot of adjustments that need to be made, including time with…The Super Bowl and Divorce
January 26, 2021The Super Bowl, what some people call the “true National Holiday.” Even people who don’t care about football tend to…Tips for Managing Child Custody and Visitation During Quarantine
May 12, 2020Currently, most of New York State is under quarantine orders. This has created some issues and problems as it relates…Your Ex Never Shows Up For Scheduled Visits – What You Can Do
May 22, 2019Unfortunately, in some divorces, one of the parents will constantly not show up for their scheduled visits (parenting time) with…Do I Have To Force My Child To Visit The Non-Custodial Parent?
January 28, 2019Legally, the answer may be “yes”. If there is a Court Order requiring “visitation” or “parenting time”, then, you are…Divorce, Summer and Your Children
July 2, 2018Well, summer is here, and you are in the middle of a divorce or thinking of getting divorced. How are…Holidays With Children During Your Divorce Proceedings
October 30, 2017You have children and you are in the middle of your divorce and are unsure on how to handle the…New York Court Expands The Definition Of Parent In Custody Cases
September 6, 2016In 1991, New York’s Highest Court (the Court of Appeals) held that the only person who could petition a court…