842 Route 25A, Northport, NY 11768
How Many Years Do I Have to be Married to Get Alimony in New York?
February 23, 2023Technically, you could be married for one day and still be eligible for alimony (what is called spousal maintenance in…Why NOT Having An Attorney Can Hurt You
September 8, 2022Although, you have the right to represent yourself in your divorce or in any other legal matter, you do so…In A Divorce: When Does One Thousand Dollars Not Equal One Thousand Dollars
April 7, 2022Assume that I owe you $1,000.00 (One Thousand Dollars), I could pay you back as follows: One Thousand Dollars in…Divorce and Rising Gas Prices
March 14, 2022Every day, it seems that gas prices are getting higher and higher. Even, if gas prices go down a bit,…I Want a Divorce but My Spouse Doesn’t
January 12, 2020You may want a Divorce, but your spouse does not. What can you do? New York State is a “No…What is the Difference Between Alimony (Spousal Maintenance) Payments and Child Support?
July 1, 2015David P. Badanes, Esq. There is a significant difference between alimony (spousal maintenance) payments and child support payments. The amount…